Dulces Artesanos Capricho Extremeño

Dulces Artesanos Capricho Extremeño was founded in 2003 by Mª Carmen Muñoz Barragán and Emilia Barragán Barragán, after 6 years of experience selling their famous almond cake and perrunillas at the village bakery, made with recipes inherited from their mothers and aunts. They ventured to set up their own company of Artisan Sweets, settling in a warehouse in the Marmolejo Industrial Estate (Berlanga), and having great success throughout the region. From the beginning of the project, their respective partners were fully involved, in charge of distribution and marketing.

The secret of its good work is the use of natural products, without any preservatives or coloring agents, elaborating them one by one in an artisanal way and only with fresh products. They offer a wide range of artisan sweets (perrunillas, pancakes, cookies, almond cake, extra-large muffins, lazos, fried donuts and a great variety of cakes), We also offer assortments, such as the special assortment of artisan Christmas sweets.

From Dulces Artesanos Capricho Extremeño, we would like to thank all our customers for their trust



“Dulces Artesanos Capricho Extremeño CB ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y el acceso a las mismas y gracias al que ha podido optimizar su sistema de gestión y el contacto con sus clientes a través de su nueva solución de comercio electrónico, redes sociales y promoción online mediante sistema de pago (SEM). Esta acción ha tenido lugar durante 2018. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del programa TICCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Badajoz”.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional                        Una manera de hacer Europa